Offer - Bleachers

Temporary bleachers
The flagship product that has been with us from the very beginning are undoubtedly the temporary bleachers.
For their construction, we use the reliable Layher scaffolding system along with dedicated components for the event industry. Following the principle - safety first - the components we use are certified and meet safety requirements.
All structures are statically verified during the design phase, taking into account the local conditions, standards and regulations in force at their intended locations.
Successive implementations, the diversity of customer requirements and the changing market needs have over the years resulted in a multitude of solutions and systems on offer.
The transparent classification will certainly make it easier for you to find the product that meets your needs.
Temporary bleachers
Seated bleachers
Seated bleachers are undoubtedly the most common type of temporary bleachers. It is certainly a good solution for events taking place in the summer months or events requiring more comfort and cover.
There are plastic bucket seats, available in two colors: blue and red, as well as a higher comfort option - with quilted fabric covers.
Alternatively, wooden benches can be used. This option works very well at non-numbered sporting events, for example, where viewer behaviour is usually more dynamic.
Standing bleachers
Standing bleachers constitute a very good option for events held in winter conditions.
The stepped surface of the bleachers provides every viewer with optimal viewing opportunities.
Whereas, safety barriers, popularly known as crush barriers, provide a guarantee of safety.
A solution increasingly picked by our clients are bleachers with canopies.
We offer several types of roofs that are integrated into the structure of our bleachers. This solution will ensure that we do not have to worry about weather conditions. In addition, canopies significantly increase the viewers' comfort - protected from the rain and sun.
The roof is ideal for VIP bleachers or media areas, where not only the viewers but also the electronic equipment needs to be protected from external conditions.
Stadiums and sports arenas
We design every type of temporary stadium, with separate VIP areas, areas for the media and players (such as in Vienna, Porec or Warsaw), or even circular arenas (Ergo Arena).
The solutions we use allow us to build and integrate containers (Le Grand-Bornand, ANS Tarnow), commentator booths (Vienna) and platforms for camera operators.